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A Brief Guide to Selecting a Suitable Timing Belt

A Brief Guide to Selecting a Suitable Timing Belt

A timing belt refers to a reinforced rubber band with notches or teeth on its inner side. These synchronize the closing and opening of an automobile engine’s valves. In simple words, they facilitate the operation of the engine. There are various applications of these belts in different domains. Continue reading to find out about how to choose the right one.

What to Consider When Choosing a Timing Belt?

Different types of timing belts are suited to diverse applications. They come in various dimensions and tooth profiles. You must know the principles of belt sizing and selection for different drive system types for this purpose.

Roller chain drive systems
The roller chain drive is the transmission system to be used with various lug and pulley designs. They are highly durable and can be used in extreme environments.
But chain drive systems can be vulnerable to wear failures compared to polyurethane belt systems. So, the chain and sprocket drives need active lubrication and regular maintenance.

roller chain
Know about the most implemented belt profiles.

Flat and V-belt drives are widely used belt profiles. They depend on the friction the high design belt tensions make to transfer motion from the pulley. Between these two belt systems, the V-belt drive operates more quietly than a flat belt. It can also bear higher loads, and its chances of slipping are less.
However, with regards to cost, flat belt drives are cheaper because of their simpler design. The system designer must be diligent and ensure that every part of the drive system can handle loads. This is because, in some instances, belt tensions cause unusual loading on the pulley, resulting in an overhung load on the shaft. The drive system, thus, should have big structural components than a chain drive.
Also, both these belt drives can produce a lot of heat. So, there’s a need for heat sinks or cooling systems embedded into the mechanism.

roller chain
Determine the size of the drive system.

You can now decide on the size of the required drive system as per the needed magnitude of loads to be transmitted. The first factor is the system design power. To accomplish it, multiply the system design transmission power by a particular overload factor. This factor is derived based on variables like the belt type and details in the configurable timing pulleys.

The second factor is the needed belt width. It is a function of the application’s design power. Multiply the reference belt width by the factor that considers the preferred design power of the system, the Reference Transmission Capacity and lastly, the Engagement Correction Coefficient.

Summing up

Timing belts are suitable for various areas, such as automobiles, treadmills, and sewing machines. They are also employed in 3D printers, industrial automation products, and conveyor systems. But you must be cautious while selecting a particular belt for your application. It is essential to find out the roller chain drive systems to be used and the specific belt profile and then determine the size of the required drive system.

Artículo anterior Recognizing the Signs of Timing Belt Wear in Machinery: When to Call a Professional

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