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How to Calculate Vee & Wedge Belt Length

How to Determine which Fan Belt you require


If the centre distance (C) is known, belt length or pitch length can be determined as follows:


So if you know the distance between the center points of the pulleys, and their diameters, you can calculate the length of belt you need using this formula.

Belt Length Calculator

Step 1

Please enter distance between the centres of the pulleys and the diameters of both the pulleys, or if you know the length of the belt you require, simply enter the length below:

Pulley Centre Distance: mm
Pulley 1 Diameter mm
Pulley 2 Diameter mm
V-Belt Length mm
Step 2

Once you have determined the length of the belt you require use the diagram to the right to determine the section.

Please choose the section you require:

Types of Belt

A / B / C / Z Section Belts: These type of belts are known as classical vee belts. If the section is suffixed with an 'X', this indicates that the belt is cogged to allow fitting at tighter angles.

SPA/SPB/SPC/SPZ Section Belts: SP denotes that the belt is a wedge belt. Again, an 'X' suffix indicates a cogged fitting.


Use the form above to determine which Fan Belt you require

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